The Tax Policy Center, ABD'de faaliyet gösteren ve Urban Institute ile Brookings Institution tarafından kurulmuş ortak bir girişimdir. Bu sayfada bu merkez tarafından vergi harcamaları hakkında yayınlanan çalışmalara yer verilmektedir.
How Large Are Tax Expenditures? A 2012 Update (2012)
Distributional Effects of Individual Income Tax Expenditures: An Update (2012)
Curbing Tax Expenditure (2012)
Trends in Tax Expenditures, 1985-2016 (2011)
Options to Limit the Benefit of Tax Expenditures for High-Income Households (2011)
Who Benefits from Tax Expenditures? (2011)
Government Spending Undercover - Spending Programs Administered by the IRS (2010)
How Big Are Total Individual Income Tax Expenditures, and Who Benefits from Them? (2008)
Tax Expenditures: Revenue Loss Versus Outlay Equivalents (2003)